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San Francisco Earthquake and Fire, California
This is all that remains of the once great Grand Hotel, the scene of many great functions. The Palace Hotel is directly across the street. This was…
San Francisco Earthquake and Fire, California
The Hall of Justice on Kearney street showing total loss of its beautiful dome. The courts of California sat here and a great many of California's…
San Francisco Earthquake and Fire, California
Aristocratic Russian Hill on which some beautiful residences still remain and from which spot is furnished a most beautiful marine view. Many who…
San Francisco Earthquake and Fire, California
St. Patrick's church a total wreck after the earthquake and fire disaster April 18th, 1906. This church was of solid masonry and did not stand the…
San Francisco Earthquake and Fire, California
This picture shows the awful destruction done by quake and fire and what little remains of the St. Ignatius church on Gough street. This church was…